
What should we pay attention to when packing shenzhen international air cargo?

time :2022-01-04 author : from: scanning :
Shenzhen international air freight company should be firm and good when transporting goods. During transportation, it prevents package breakage, leakage, and throwing away items, prevents damage or deterioration of goods due to accumulation, sensation, or changes in air pressure and temperature,

Shenzhen international air freight company should be firm and good when transporting goods. During transportation, it prevents package breakage, leakage, and throwing away items, prevents damage or deterioration of goods due to accumulation, sensation, or changes in air pressure and temperature, and prevents injury to operators or contamination of aircraft, ground equipment, and other related items.

Shenzhen international Air freight company requires that the packaging be suitable for the nature and weight of the cargo to facilitate handling and stacking. There should be no protruding nails or nails on the outer surface of the package. If the package is clean and boring, it should be free of odors or grease. Shenzhen International Air Freight company requires that the advanced materials in the package not be leaked. Consignment goods should be properly packed except those packed in paper bags. Binding of goods with straw bales or straw ropes is prohibited. The straps used to bind the cargo shall be able to support the full weight of the cargo and shall be continually kept open while lifting the cargo.

If the packaging of the goods does not conform to the relevant provisions of this manual, the mailer shall strictly require improvement or repackaging of the goods before delivery. The special packing requirements of shenzhen International Air Freight company for express delivery of certain goods are delicate and fragile goods. The total weight of a single item should not exceed the standard weight. One approach that can be used is multi-level packaging effects.

The maximum weight and size of cargo that can be accepted and transported can be determined based on the type of aircraft, the starting point, the conditions of transfer station and airport equipment, and the handling capacity of the destination station. The minimum size of the cargo shall be that the length, width, height and spacing of the cargo shall not be less than the normal spacing, except for documents and letters which may be attached directly to the waybill. Those below the above specifications shall be packed by the sender.

In addition to the General Rules for the Carriage of Goods, some special cargoes of SHENZHEN International Air Freight Company should also meet the following special requirements: if the mailer needs to transport emergency cargoes, he can handle the transport of emergency cargoes with the approval of the carrier and collect the freight of emergency cargoes according to the regulations. Without the special approval of CAAC, no microbial products harmful to human health, such as bacterial strains, animals and plants, carrier media, etc., shall be transported. Shenzhen International Air Freight company can be based on the general cargo carrier's sterile non-toxic certificate. Microbial and pest products should be stored and transported away from food.

The transport of plants and plant products must rely on a useful quarantine certificate issued by the plant quarantine department at or above the county level in the place where the designee is located. When the mailer processes the mail, it is necessary to provide a certificate issued by the funeral section. The regulations on the safe transport of dangerous goods by air must be observed. Animals mailed should contact the carrier in advance and reserve a berth.

A declaration form for the transport and Posting of live animals must be completed when handling mailing procedures. The special care, breeding and transportation of large numbers of animals should be protected. Animal packaging requires easy handling, suitable animal characteristics and air transport requirements. It prevents animals from escaping and coming into contact with the outside world. There are ways to prevent excreta from escaping from the bottom to ensure ventilation and prevent animal suffocation.

The packaging of animals should be marked with relevant precautions to facilitate storage and transportation. Note that the carrier should pack the animals in an aircraft compartment suitable for transporting the animals. The carrier shall not be liable for the death of the animal during transport, except for the fault of the carrier.